Located in Quincy, Washington, the Law Offices of Brian Chase,
PLLC represents men and women in the counties of Grant, Douglas
and Chelan in dissolution of marriage,
legal separation,
child custody or
child support/modification and
issues. We understand the emotional and stressful toll a change
in your family status can have on you, and we work with you to
minimize your stress by explaining to you the family law
process, your options, and your rights.
As experienced divorce lawyers, we can assist you with all
aspects of your divorce, including the following:
- Divorce planning - we can help you plan and
prepare prior to a divorce if you are contemplating
dissolving your marriage so that you are in the best
possible position when the divorce is filed.
- Dissolution of Marriage - filing a divorce or legal
separation petition or responding to divorce or dissolution
of marriage papers if you have been served - we can handle a
contested divorce or uncontested divorce.
- Child
Custody / Visitation - sometimes referred to as
parenting time, the parties' custody and visitation with
their children will be spelled out in a court order called a "parenting plan". This is generally where the proceedings
get nasty and when you will need an attorney the most. We
can handle child custody or visitation issues at all levels.
- Child support - including child support enforcement issues. We can handle
all child support issues.
- Spousal support -
sometimes referred to as alimony or spousal maintenance. We
can handle all spousal support issues.
- Division of Marital Property - sometimes referred
to as division of marital assets. Washington is a community
property state and courts will attempt to equitably divide
any assets acquired during the marriage. Also, Washington is
a no fault state, so the circumstances triggering the
divorce will not be considered in dividing the marital
assets and marital debts. We can assist in asset
classification and valuation issues, discovery of hidden
assets, and other marital property issues.
- Post-divorce modifications - including child visitation
modifications, child support modifications, and spousal
support modifications.

Divorce cases are first and foremost about the lives of the
people involved. Divorce means permanent changes for both
spouses and children, and there are many questions at the
outset: will I be able to support myself, where will I live,
where will the children live, how will our debts be paid,
just to name a few. At the Law Offices of Brian Chase, PLLC, we
understand the outcome of your divorce will affect the quality
of the rest of your family's lives. Our divorce attorney is
dedicated to helping our clients through the challenges with
compassionate yet uncompromising representation.
We represent clients in valuing and dividing
community property, cases involving moderate to substantial
employment benefits, including stock options, 401(k) plans, and
government and private sector pensions. We are experienced in
actions which require valuing and distributing property
interests from the family home to investment portfolios to
business interests and real estate. We can help you understand
the issues in your divorce and will represent you zealously
throughout your case. We approach our cases with intensity and
respect, and we recognize our responsibility not only to our
clients, but also to promote and protect the best interests of

When a marriage breaks down, it's hard to be confident about
what will happen in the immediate future. The decision whether
to seek legal separation or divorce and the advantages and
disadvantages of each can be made easier by consulting with a
family law attorney. Although most parties seek a divorce, we
also represent clients in legal separation actions, including
those involving contested custody and parenting plan issues,
child support, property and debt distribution, and spousal
maintenance. An action for legal separation is very similar to
an action for a Washington State divorce, and the same essential
procedures are followed. Of course, the big difference is that
at the end of a legal separation case the parties remain legally
married, but with court orders in place, such as a parenting
plan, child support orders, and property divisions. We recognize
our responsibility in legal separation and parenting plan
actions not only to our clients, but also to promote and protect
the best interests of children.

Child custody or visitation (also called parenting time) is
either agreed to by the parties and memorialized in a parenting
plan ("residential schedule" if the parties are unmarried) or
decided by the court. Visitation issues often include birthdays,
holidays, summer vacation, special events, and weekends. We
prefer to have the parents attempt to work out custody and
visitation arrangements because we believes that parents are in
a better position to know what is in the best interest of their
children. If the parents are able to work out those issues, we
will memorialize the agreement in writing. However, if the
parents cannot agree, we will zealously advocate on your behalf
in court and present the issues to the court concisely,
logically, and persuasively on your behalf.

Child Support
As experienced child support lawyers, we understand and
utilize the child support guidelines for determining child
support. In doing so, we will take the time to explain the child
support guidelines and help you determine the amount of child
support the guidelines will award for your case. Some of the
factors the court may consider include:
- Incomes of the Parties
- Number of common children
- Child care expenses
- Medical insurance costs
- Extra education expenses
Child support is an integral issue in most Washington State
family law actions. Parties getting divorced in Washington who
have children in the marriage cannot get divorced without a
determination of support for the children. We have represented
clients in actions involving the establishment and enforcement
of support obligations, cases involving post secondary
educational support, education expense contributions, allocation
of tax exemptions, the payment of extraordinary expenses,
support deviations, long distance travel expenses, and
establishing security for future support. We are also familiar
with cases brought by the state through a prosecutor's office or
the Department of Child Support.
Spousal Support
Spousal support is often referred to as alimony or spousal
maintenance. As knowledgeable spousal support (alimony) lawyers,
we understands the factors considered by Washington courts in
determining whether spousal support should be awarded, and the
amount of spousal support that could be awarded. Some of the
factors the court may consider include:
- Duration of the marriage
- Relative incomes
- Ability to pay
- Ability of each party to support themselves
- Length of time in retraining or obtaining gainful
Child Support Enforcement
Sometimes a child support obligation has been established but
is not being honored. At the Law Offices of Brian Chase, we
represents mothers and fathers in child support enforcement
proceedings (sometimes referred to as "deadbeat dad" hearings).
In Washington, spouses who fail to pay child support can receive
jail time or lose their driver's license. Washington courts take
child support matters very seriously.
At the Law Offices of Brian Chase, we handle contempt of court
actions, and have negotiated and litigated on behalf of parties
seeking back support judgments, as well as those defending
against such actions. While a child's well being cannot be
reduced merely to the amount of financial support he or she
receives, supporting a child at a level that is fair to all of
the parties is important to a child's growth and development.

Child Support
Under Washington State family law, child support may be
periodically adjusted to account for changes in circumstances
between the parties. Support obligations may be modified based
on a number of factors including the age of the child(ren),
changes in residential schedule, a child wishing to attend
college after high school, or changes in the income of one or
more parties.
While a child's well being cannot be reduced simply to how much
financial support is paid by the non-custodial parent, the law
is designed to serve the best interests of children based on
what is fair to each parent's ability to pay.
Child support can be a difficult emotional issue for parties.
After an initial support order is in place, many changes in the
lives of the parties take place. Parents make more money, get
remarried, and maybe change careers. We approach each case with
intensity, respect, and with a drive to obtain the best results
for our client.
If you are interested in finding out more about modifying a
child support order, contact us.
Parenting Plan Modification
Parenting plan modification actions are brought after a final
order has been established in a family law case, such as a
divorce or paternity. One or both parties may request a
modification of the final order on a variety of issues including
changes to the parenting plan / residential schedule, decision
making, holiday or special occasion schedules, transportation
arrangements, or restrictions on the visitation of one of the
parents. Some of these modifications are considered "minor
modifications" and can be affected without filing a separate
action. However, some are considered "major modifications" and a
separate action must be filed.
As transportation and communication technologies play a greater
role in our society, changes are inevitable in everyone's lives.
If you have a parenting plan entered in a divorce or paternity
action, and you are interested in modifying some or all of that
order, or if you have been served with a modification action by
the other party, make an appointment with one of our family law

Our hourly billing rates currently start at $200.00 per hour,
and we generally require that our clients make at least a
$3,000.00 refundable deposit with us. Please contact us for more
information regarding fees and required retainer amount.
For Domestic /Family Law matters, we charge a consultation fee
of $100.00 for up to 1 hour of attorney time, which must be paid
at the time of service.