Know Your Rights!
At the Law Offices of Brian Chase, PLLC, we want you to know
your rights. If you are taken in for questioning, or
interrogated by the police, you should ALWAYS request an
attorney. Even if you did nothing and are innocent of the
crime(s) being investigated, you should ALWAYS have an attorney
present to make sure your rights are protected and treated
Do Not Speak with Anyone without Consulting an
Attorney - Contrary to popular belief, innocent people do go to
jail. Regardless if police investigators act friendly or
adversely, they are out to solve a crime, and if they believe
you are a potential suspect, they will use any device or say
anything to coerce incriminating evidence from you. An
experienced criminal defense attorney can protect your rights
and advise you to answer or refrain from answering questions
Remember, anything you say can and WILL BE used against you.
Contact us for a FREE
your legal interests and constitutional rights.

Washington state has some of the nation's toughest DUI laws.
Once you are arrested for a DUI, you face two completely
separate tribunals, the Department of Licensing and the Criminal
Court. With few exceptions, what happens in one will not affect
the other. For example: If you have your case reduced from DUI
to the lesser charge of Negligent Driving in the First Degree,
or even if the criminal case is completely dismissed, you will
still have to defend yourself at the Department of Licensing
hearing in an administrative license suspension proceeding to
keep your license from being suspended.
In most cases, the police officer should give you a DOL Hearing
Request Form at the time of your release from custody. You must
request a DOL hearing by completing and sending the DOL Hearing
Request Form to DOL within 30 days of your arrest, along with
DOL's required hearing request fee. If you do not, in most
cases, your license will be automatically suspended!
If you had a valid license when you were stopped for DUI, you
will be able to continue to drive pending the outcome of your
DOL hearing or the criminal court, assuming that the necessary
steps are taken to defend both of these actions.
Therefore, requesting your DOL hearing needs to be at the top of
your list of things to do. Please contact our office for a FREE
INITIAL CONSULTATION for details regarding this
important step. Strategy is everything!
The DOL hearing will usually be administered over the phone
between a Department of Licensing hearing examiner and you and
your attorney. Special requests need to be made and approved to
obtain an in-person hearing, to subpoena officers and for
interpreters or experts if applicable. Live testimony may be
given. Your hearing will be held within 60 days of your arrest
unless the matter is continued by your attorney. Since the DOL
is a creature of the civil end of the law, the burden of proof
that they bear is much less than in the criminal court.
Arguments for the defense need to be very compelling to succeed.
You can represent yourself, but remember that the DOL hearing
examiner on the other end of the phone is usually a trained
lawyer who in many cases acts as both the prosecutor and judge.
You will either be given a ruling at the time of the hearing or
receive notice by mail at a later date. If your license is
suspended by the DOL, do not drive. Driving on a suspended
license can have extremely harsh consequences. Contact us for a FREE

We can help you understand the potential collateral consequences
of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor conviction. Some
individuals with professional certifications and licenses can
lose their livelihood depending upon the nature of a conviction.
The sentencing scheme for most misdemeanors or gross
misdemeanors is typically found in the specific statute defining
the crime. Many misdemeanors or gross misdemeanors provide for a
minimum punishment. For example, a conviction for Possession of
Marijuana Under Forty Grams or Use of Drug Paraphernalia require
a minimum of one-day in jail or equivalent alternative to jail.
If the crime is defined in the law as a misdemeanor, but fails
to mention a specific punishment, then the maximum sentence is
90 days in jail. If the crime is defined as a gross misdemeanor,
then the maximum sentence is 365 days in jail. However, often a
criminal defense lawyer can convince a judge to not order any
jail time, especially for some "first offense" misdemeanors or
gross misdemeanors.
Frequently, it is appropriate for a criminal defense lawyer to
negotiate a "plea-bargain" or reduction of an offense or
compromise on the proposed punishment so as to avoid more
serious consequences. Some crimes (such as theft) are known as
"wobblers" and can be punished as felonies or misdemeanors.
In some situations, we can have your case dismissed (e.g.,
shoplifting, assault/battery, trespassing, etc.). For example, a
"compromise of misdemeanor" may be possible. This permits a
defendant to have a criminal proceeding permanently stayed or
dismissed provided the victim of the crime appears before the
judge (in person or by declaration) and acknowledges s/he has
received full compensation for the "injury" and the court agrees
to the compromise.
Some offenses (e.g., crimes caused by a defendant's alcohol or
drug addiction, and etc.) may be eligible for "deferred
sentence" or "diversion." These provisions permit a defendant
who obtains a drug or alcohol evaluation and completes any
recommended treatment to have the underlying criminal case
dismissed after a period of time. However, if the defendant
fails to successfully complete the treatment program or violates
other terms of the "deferred sentence" or "diversion agreement",
the court can convict the defendant and impose a jail sentence.
If someone is convicted of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor,
the court will likely order a term of probation. If probation is
ordered, it generally lasts for 1 to 2 years. However, for the
offense of DUI, probation will last 5 years from date of your
conviction. The court, in its discretion, could even order that
any jail time be served on Electronic Home Monitoring, work
crew, work release, or community service. And if the court
imposes a fine, it can provide for an alternative sentence
consisting of community service hours in lieu of a fine.
We can represent you if you want to petition a court to vacate
and dismiss a conviction from a defendant's criminal history.
This is called "expungment" or vacation of criminal conviction.
In such cases, the defendant must have successfully completed
the terms and conditions of the sentence and probation, paid all
court imposed financial obligations, and the case must be closed
for three years. The defendant must also establish that s/he has
no other subsequent criminal convictions. Contact us for a FREE

Felonies are the most serious offenses and require a vigorous
criminal defense attorney to represent your interests in the
Washington State court system. Washington state has three
categories of felonies: Class C felonies, Class B felonies, and
Class A felonies (Class A being the most serious and Class C
being the least serious). An offender's score is calculated
based on the defendant's past criminal history and is used to
tabulate a defendant's sentencing range. While a judge is not
bound to follow a prosecutor's recommendation as to sentencing,
it is assumed the standard sentence range is an appropriate
sentence, unless the judge makes a finding there are exceptional
reasons to sentence a defendant outside the standard range. It
is imperative to have an experienced Washington state criminal
defense lawyer help navigate the accused through this legal
maze. Unless specifically precluded by a statute (depending on
the type of crime), a judge will order probation for a convicted
felon. Among other things, the court may require the defendant,
as a term and condition of probation, to serve local jail time,
pay court ordered financial obligations, complete community
service (if any), and pay restitution.
Unless specifically precluded by a statute (depending on the
type of crime), a judge can sentence a convicted felon to a
grant of probation. Among other things, the court may require
the defendant, as a term and condition of probation, to serve
local jail time, pay fines, complete community service and pay
If a defendant is sentenced to confinement on a felony, he or
she may be sent to State Prison (if sentenced to more than 1
year) or to county jail (if sentenced to 1 year or less). In
some limited situations, a defendant may be sentenced to a Drug
Rehabilitation Center if the offender is addicted to drugs. A
felony arrest and conviction can have extremely serious
consequences in addition to just jail time. That's why it is
important to choose a criminal defense lawyer with a proven
record of handling these issues in Washington State. Contact us
for a FREE
Theft, Shoplifting & Burglary are Serious Offenses
Any criminal defense lawyer will tell you that theft related
offenses in Washington State are called by many names. These
names include theft, burglary, possession of stolen property,
taking of a motor vehicle without permission, unlawful issuance
of bank checks, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, etc. However,
each of these offenses relates to conduct involving the "unauthorized control of another's property". Some of the
offenses are charged depending upon the value of the items
taken: (Theft 3 is less than $250.00); their location (e.g.,
residential burglary); how the theft is accomplished (e.g.,
extortion or forgery); the manner of theft (e.g., robbery); by
relationship to the victim (e.g., embezzlement); or to the type
of item stolen (e.g., vehicular theft, etc.).
At times an arrest will be made for theft when there was never
any intent to steal. It may be that someone has their hands full
and simply places an item in a pocket with every intention of
paying for it. But, unfortunately, they simply forget to pay for
the item and are arrested for shoplifting (i.e., theft). Theft
is a crime of "moral turpitude" which may have far reaching
ramifications, including denial of both employment and
professional licenses, and immigration/deportation issues.
Also, one may be charged with theft without doing the actual
taking of property, under "accomplice liability." Under
"accomplice liability," prosecutors may charge each individual
associated with a criminal act. We have been quite successful in
these matters. In the appropriate circumstances, a "civil
compromise" may be reached whereby the merchant will agree to
drop all charges. Contact us for a FREE

To preserve your right to beat the traffic ticket, you must
request a contested hearing within a certain number of days from
the date you were issued the ticket. Requesting a contested
hearing will preserve all of your rights. Attorney Brian Chase
offers a very high success rate in earning dismissals for
clients who received a speeding ticket, failure to stop at a
stop sign ticket, and many other types of traffic tickets.
Under Washington state law, every traffic ticket you get has the
potential to affect your driver's license adversely. Each
traffic ticket places you at greater risk of losing your driving
privileges (e.g., habitual traffic offender). Contact us to hire
a lawyer who will work hard for you and will pursue the best
possible outcome.
Traffic Violation and Speeding Ticket Defense
You have the right to challenge the validity of a traffic
ticket. By examining factors like the accuracy of radar detector
readings and the officer's report, Brian Chase will thoroughly
analyze each part of the case against you. If you received a
speeding ticket, you need an experienced traffic violation and
speeding ticket attorney to stand up for your rights. You can
beat a traffic ticket. Most times, the prosecution is unable to
meet its burden of proof. We have obtained dismissals for people
pulled over for traffic violations throughout Central
Washington, including speeding on I-90, Highway 2, Highway 97,
Highway 28, Highway 17, Highway 281, and throughout the counties
of Grant, Kittitas, Chelan, Douglas, and Adams.
Our lawyers concentrate on developing successful defenses for
people charged with a variety of driving offenses like:
driving (criminal)
Driving While License Suspended (criminal)
Operating without proof of insurance
to stop
to yield
moving or non-moving violations
With years of experience, our firm will protect
your driving privileges against suspension and revocation. If
you have questions about traffic ticket defense, contact us for
answers during a FREE
INITIAL CONSULTATION. We defend people against traffic
tickets throughout Grant, Kittitas, Chelan, Douglas, and Adams

The criminal court process involves:
Arraignment: The arraignment hearing is mandatory in the
State of Washington for all criminal cases. However, an
arraignment may be waived only if you are charged with a
misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor in district court, one of the
charges is not a DUI or domestic violence crime, AND you
hire an attorney before your arraignment date. If charged with a
non-felony offense, your arraignment date will generally be
given to you at the time of arrest on your citation or sent
later by mail in the form of a summons. The arraignment hearing
is held to advise accused persons of the charge(s) against them,
their rights, to enter the defendant's plea, and to set any
conditions of release pending the outcome of the proceedings. In
most cases involving DUI's, it is important to retain counsel at
the earliest possible opportunity. The attorney will be able to
advise you prior to the arraignment about what to expect and how
to avoid or reduce cumbersome conditions of release, which may
include the imposition of bail. Also, your next court appearance
date (the pretrial conference) will be set.
Pre-trial Conference: After your arraignment, you will
then have one or more pretrial hearings. The time before and
between pretrial hearings are when your attorney will
investigate and gather information and evidence regarding your
case. He will also present and discuss your case with the
prosecutor. This is where the negotiations happen. Your attorney
will negotiate the best resolution possible for you by pointing
out any flaws in the State's case and presenting likely
arguments that may be raised later through motions or at trial.
If the parties can come to a favorable resolution, this is the
time when cases are often resolved. If no resolution can be
found, it is at the pretrial conference that motions will be
filed and motion hearings scheduled, and dates for trial will be
Motions Hearing: If your attorney and the prosecutor
cannot resolve your case at the pre-trial conference, your
attorney may file motions to suppress evidence and/or to dismiss
the case. Success or failure in a DUI and other criminal cases
often depends on the motions briefed and filed by defense
counsel. An effective motions practice is the cornerstone to
every successful criminal defense attorney. A motion hearing
usually takes place between 3 and 6 months from the commencement
of your case.
Readiness Hearing: In some jurisdictions in the State of
Washington, the readiness hearing and pretrial hearings are
one-in-the-same. In most jurisdictions, the readiness hearing is
held after the pretrial conference but shortly before trial. The
readiness hearing is the last point at which negotiations may
occur and the two parties have to answer whether or not they are
ready to proceed to trial. Often, deals are struck and pleas
negotiated right up to this point in the process.
Trial: You have the absolute right to a jury trial for
all criminal cases. However, you also have the right to "waive"
your right to a jury trial and have your case decided by a judge
without a jury, unless the prosecutor has likewise filed a
written request for jury trial. Both sides have the right to a
jury trial in the State of Washington. A jury trial will usually
last 1 to 3 days. A jury for misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor
cases, like a DUI, will consist of 6 jurors. A jury for felony
charges will consist of 12 jurors.
Plea: If you reach an agreement with the prosecutor, you
will enter a plea of guilty to whatever more favorable reduced
charge that your attorney was able to negotiate.
Sentencing: If you enter into a plea of guilty or are
found guilty after a trial, the judge will impose a sentence.
This sentence will vary depending upon the plea bargain,
recommendations from the prosecutor, prior convictions and so
on. The penalties can include: jail or prison time, electronic
home monitoring, ignition interlock device, community service,
fines and fees, restitution, treatment for substance abuse, and
more. Your attorney can fully explain the likelihood of any of
these penalties with regard to your particular case. Please
contact our office for a FREE
Learn More: Criminal Law
Contact an Experienced Criminal Law Defense Lawyer
For more information about your rights, the criminal process,
or to schedule a FREE
INITIAL CONSULTATION to discuss your criminal charges
with an experienced criminal defense attorney, please call us at
(509) 787-9000 or e-mail us. We always fight hard
for you!